Saturday, February 2, 2013

Walk of Fame

The Giovio Portraits, intended as a public archive of literary figures, rulers, and statesmen were assembled by Italian Renaissance historian and biographer Paolo Giovio. The original portraits, which were painted from life by a variety of esteemed artists, were lost. But, copies have been displayed in the First Corridor of the Uffizi in Florence, Italy since 1587.

After a visit to the Uffizi, where I took a walk down that famed corridor, I wanted to see my portraits take their rightful place.

In 2013, the Uffizi Four were added to the collection. Marc De Ansar poses as Rembrandt, Holbein, El Greco and Hals. The portraits now hang high along with the other illustrious dignitaries. 

As an artist who aspires to have work displayed side by side masterpieces in important museums — instead of waiting for the day, using photoshop and iMovie I am envisioning my paintings in place, in most anyplace I want. This short video is a realization of Don Draper's advice "If you don't like what's being said, change he conversation." and Marc DeAnsar's admonition, "If you don't like what's on the wall, change the picture." 

But, it is Rembrandt who has the final word. "A painting is finished when an artist says it is finished."


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