UPDATE 12/12/20

As I contemplate the conclusion of this 25 year project, questions about how to bring this grand adventure to a close are foremost in my mind.

Will Marc meet his end? How? When?

Since there was no birthday or set day of conception, I am a bit confused about when this whole thing got started and when it should conclude. The installation Stares Stairs was exhibited at Intersection for the Arts in San Francisco, September 29 - October 21, 1995. I began my research into the annuals of art history looking for other “great stair moments” in 1995. I considered Nude Descending the Staircase and discovered Rrose Selavy in 1995.

In 1996 the first video was completed. I have always considered that to be the beginning. I made a commitment to paint/draw four portraits each year plus produce a short video each year for 25 years. Counting up to 25 makes 2021 the final year. Early on I bought 25 note books and dated each one with 2021 being the last.

That makes this year, 2020 the penultimate. 

Each year for 25 years, I am donning a "nose and glasses" and posing as Marc De Ansar, my masculine persona, my alter-ego. By using the comedic face of the jokester/clown, I am poking fun at the formality of the staid traditional portrait. Over time. the disguise, the mask, will remain the same while underneath the masquerade, I/he will change. By maintaining certain fixed parameters (the size of the paper, the nature of the pose) the subtle differences and the effects of aging will be apparent.

This longitudinal alter-self-portrait series began in 1996 and will conclude in 2021. Each year I will create four 22" x 30" paintings. Upon completion there will be 100 chronological images. 

Beyond the creation of the paintings, I am developing Marc's character through fabricated stories and found art-i-facts (readymades) that he is naming as ART. His astute skills as a cunning strategist and sensitive renderer of line and form will be played out in his expertise as a champion of tic-tac-toe (ala Duchamp's chess game) and as trickster par excellence.

His antics and his artistry will be video taped and edited into a series of short vignettes that will ultimately become a recorded (100+ minutes) document of his enactments.