Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Beginning to wonder, what's next?

As Marc is put to rest, it is time to reveal of the scope of his character, time to introduce the public to the complexities of his guise and persona. 

Considering what form this reveal might take...

newspaper publication of obituary death announcement 

remembrance cards

memorial website with virtual celebration of life

funeral, burial, wake

Curriculum Vitae

Magnum Opus — as in alchemy and the process of transmutation

block-buster museum exhibition

360º gallery walk-through

immersive experience 

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Extended Reality

ZOOM slide show presentation and discussion with art history experts

scholarly papers on the comparative identities of Sélavy and De Ansar

establishing De Ansar's place within the annals of art history

When Marc is gone, without someone to give voice to his life work, his project will end up in the dustbin of history.

What a challenge, with more fun to be had, as I find ways to show and share the extraordinary life of Marc De Ansar.