Friday, October 23, 2020

Vote early. Vote!!!

As we go in to these last days before the election, it’s imperative that we all do what we can to get out the VOTE.

Marc's not taking any chances with a possible USPS delay. He hand-delivered his envelope to the Civic Center ballot dropbox. Marc sez: Vote early. Vote once. or is that twice? What's that other envelope under his arm?

No need to track our votes. As Richard was snapping this pic the elections workers came out to empty the box for the day. They said, "No worries. No hurry. Lots of folks are taking their photo by the box but, you're the first we've seen in disguise." Maybe a Russian operative stuffing the box?

Thanks to Jessica at Marin Tack and Feed my sign is close to the road but hopefully out of harm's way. Fingers crossed that it will remain there until its taken down on November 4.