Thursday, July 2, 2020

Every Nose Counts

Feeling pretty glum after the many exhibition delays, reschedules and closures we have suffered since March. The final death knell was the cancellation of the 4th of July Woodacre parade —  a most favorite fun community DIY affair with everyone joining in—kids on decorated bicycles, clowns on stilts, glittered horses, baton twirlers and our fave — a train of stuffed teddy bears in RadioFlyer wagons. One year Richard and his cohorts presented a kazoo marching band.

Happy that a team of artists/activists have revved up a roadside art action and a grand car procession — and by uniting it all with the timely causes and messages of Black Lives Matter, the census and get out the vote. Very proud to be a part of this amazing and powerful SGV community.

Stay safe.
Stay true.

Taking a cue from Groucho Marx who famously quipped, If you are not having fun, you’re doing something wrong, my sign intends to add a bit of levity to the census conversation that might be stressful or contentious for some people. The classic Groucho nose-and-glasses are instantly recognized as a symbol for good humor so my sign hopefully will not only evoke laughter but will prompt people to “fill out the census.” 

July 3, 2020

Laying out the signs and mapping their placement:

The Lang Gang was here helping with masks and signs. 
We are ready-set for Roadside Art Action!

July 4, 2020

We haven’t been getting out much but when we do, like we did on the 4th of July for the Roadside Art Action, we whip up plenty of hoopla.

WE may not have convinced anyone to fill out their census but we might have inspired them to come to their senses.