Saturday, April 25, 2020

Masks are Fierce

Big thanks to California State Senator Scott Wiener for being such an A+ great supporter of the arts and for putting together this timely drag queen mask competition.

Although not glitzy with feathers and bling, here is my fun fab Covid version that has Groucho Marx and good humor in mind. It may seem rather unlikely that an older woman 69+ year would don a Marx mask for her drag enactment but these days we all need a good laugh. The iconic nose and glasses with bushy eyebrows and mustache are easily recognizable (almost a cliche) as the universal symbol for humor. And, at least for me, they instantly evoke laughter and hopefully, the judges will experience the same.
Let’s be reminded of Nietzsche’s famous pronouncement that, “Perhaps even if nothing today has any future, our laughter may yet have a future."

Stay safe.
Stay true.

and the winners were:

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


After Pieter Claesz

The shock waves of Covid -19 and the resultant staggering number of deaths has sparked my interest in Vanitas, representations of the fleeting nature of life and the unexpected suddenness of death. I have had a long-standing fascination with skulls and have a treasured collection of animal skulls— gophers, birds, deer.

For years I have used time itself as a material presence in a my art practice.

Time will go by and it has….

After Albrecht Dürer