Monday, December 30, 2019


So excited to learn about Merriam-Webster's word of the year — THEY as in they, them, theirs.

Only recently became aware of the adding of gender pronouns to ones email signature when our studio assistant, a savvy young college student identified as she, her, hers which led us in to a discussion about how language can confuse and be the cause of mis-gendering. Tuning-in to how language shapes our perceptions, there is a story from Argentina about gendering in the Spanish language. Listen up : here is a short podcast from the Washington Post. 

HA! HA! This year there was plenty of who-ha about Maurizio Cattelan's "Comedian" a slippery slope trope of humor — a banana duct-taped to a wall that sold for $120,000 at Art Basel Miami Beach. So we do not lose sight of that banana, here is a selection of memes.

AND!!! Greta Thunberg has just been declared TIME magazine's person of the year!!! That important news is no joke.