Tuesday, July 2, 2019

All sides NOW

All sides or as Joni Mitchell sung it Both Sides, either way this photo taken by Victor Obsatz in 1953 (FAMSF) inspired my Marc version that is more Brahma-Vishnu than the face of double-exposure of Marcel Duchamp or maybe...how about God?

In the Salzberg Museum this painting from the Middle Ages depicts the Holy Trinity, the mystical unity of the three divine persons: God the Father, God's Son, and God Holy Spirit.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Why is this simple graffiti always so funny??

Terry T. asks, "Why is this simple graffiti always so funny?"

Dear Terry,
The mustache graffiti you sent made me LOL then the gales of laughter got me musing, amusing about other mustache moments.

Last night I was reading being digital by Nicholas Negroponte. In his chapter ART WITH A CAPITAL “E” pg 223-224 I was struck by his vision of the digital future and to his reference to mustaches!!!

“The digital superhighway will turn finished and unalterable art into a thing of the past. The number of mustaches given to Mona Lisa is just child’s play. We will see serious digital manipulation performed in said-to-be-complete expressions moving across the Internet, which is not necessarily bad.”

Those in the know, would know, that he is referring to  L.H.O.O.Q. and the mustache Duchamp graffitied (rectified) on to the Mona Lisa. As satire, as profound transformation, either way L.H.O.O.Q. makes me LOL.

And Negroponte makes me think, it’s about digital time for mustaches on everybody.